Become a foster parent

We’re here to walk you through this process.

Connect with Every Child TN.


Begin approval process.


Become approved.


Get continued support.


What’s the role of a foster parent?

Foster parents love, celebrate, mentor, coach, comfort, support and encourage the children in their home. Foster parents work as a team with the child’s caseworker and biological parents to ensure the wellbeing of the child in their care. The goal of foster care is to reunite the child with their biological family, so foster care is meant to be temporary.


Who are the kids who need foster parents?

We help all kinds of children and families, from all over Tennessee. We help children from many different backgrounds and cultures. Like any child, children in foster care are unique. Each has their own special personality, abilities, interests, and potential. So we need safe foster homes who can support the children in their care— despite cultural or religious differences.


How long do kids stay in foster care?

The amount of time children are in foster care can vary. Placements can last for a few weeks, a few months, or several years. How long a child stays in a foster home is usually decided by their biological parent’s ability to engage in services designed to help them keep their children safe. During this time, a supportive home can make a big difference for a child.


How can I become approved as a foster parent?

The first step is to connect with Every Child TN. We’ll get to know you, help answer questions you may have, and help connect you with the right agency. Then you’ll complete the approval process, which includes:

  • Taking classes and attending trainings
  • Home visits with your licensing agency
  • Determining how many children you’ll be able to care for  

After you’re approved, you’ll be able to begin taking care of foster children. 


What support is available for foster parents?

Foster parents can receive a variety of different supports. Agencies can help foster parents by:

  • Providing training
  • Connecting foster parents to other services
  • Regularly checking in


Is there a limit to how many kids I can foster at one time?

DCS will work with you to determine how many children would be appropriate to place with you. This decision will be based on your preferences, circumstances, and state guidelines.


Are foster parents paid?

Foster parents receive a monthly stipend for each child’s expenses. The reimbursement rate varies depending on each child’s age and level of needs. Children’s medical and dental costs are also covered by a state-funded health plan.


What’s the difference between Every Child TN and the
Department of Children’s Services?

Every Child TN is a community initiative designed to help meet the needs of our state’s most vulnerable children. Every Child TN aims to provide love, care, and support for vulnerable children and families in Tennessee. We work in partnership with the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services. We’re here to:

  • Connect you with the right agency to start the foster parent approval process
  • Connect you with local organizations who need dedicated volunteers

DCS manages the approval process and will help support you as you become a foster parent. 


What’s the difference between the Department of Children’s Services and a private agency?

The Department of Children’s Services is a state agency that manages foster care and maintains custody of all the children in foster care. Private agencies are licensed businesses that contract with DCS to help place children into foster homes. Both DCS and private agencies can help you determine the right foster care path for you and provide support along the way.


Are foster families needed?

Yes! We are always in need of caring foster families in Tennessee. In 2023, there were approximately 8,000 children in foster care in Tennessee and less than 5,000 approved homes.

Children in foster care often move from placement to placement.

“Of first-time foster children entering the system in 2022, more than one in three had been in three or more placements by June 30, 2023.” – Tennessee Commission on Children and Youth

Source: Annual report on status of children and youth in Tennessee provides an in-depth look at our youngest Tennesseans (

“In the midst of the brokenness and chaos of foster care, there are glimpses of hope and healing and there are stories of redemption. And I’ll be forever grateful.”


Foster parent

“Fostering and adoption will change you and put you in beautiful circles, conversations, and communities.”


Foster Parent

“I’m so grateful for what our family looks like. It looks wildly different than we would’ve ever planned. But, it’s better.”


Foster Family

Indiana Illustration

A statewide initiative to mobilize all Tennesseans to care for children, youth, and families before, during, and after foster care.